Monday, January 25, 2010

Yoga, not.

I went to my first--and probably only--yoga class at the IMA today. I really don't know why I signed up for this one. I had taken a class by the same instructor last year and tonight's class just made me realize Hatha isn't my forte. Yes, it may be cheaper, and yes, it may be more convenient (?), but it isn't as enjoyable and it isn't how I want to be spending my time. I guess I could keep going to the class, but I don't want it to detract how I feel about the practice in general.

Friday night I did the hot power vinyasa class at my new studio, and loved it. It was hard--yes, very hard. I was shaking a few times, and a sweaty, frizzy mess when shivasana rolled around, but I loved the flows, the chatarungas, the teacher. This practice made me feel good. My body (and mind) thanked me for the hour of deep stretching, meditation and time out from my usually hectic day to relax and unwind.

Tonight's class just didn't do it for me. That's okay though, right? The way I see it is that I shouldn't spend time and effort on something (anything, really) that I care so much about if it's not mentally, physically or otherwise rewarding. I have a busy schedule with school, the sorority, homework, friends, family...I'm allowing myself to be selfish on this one. ;)

Q: Have you ever found yourself in a situation (or class/experience) that you hated? Do you or did you feel the need to see it out or do you allow yourself flexibility in trying new things that you maybe choose not to pursue?

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