Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I tracked down another one...

I found another great new member rate at a yoga studio nearby--10 classes, 30 days for just twenty dollars! Last quarter this 'trend' started with my first hot yoga studio which turned into finding student rates and intro packages for my college-friendly budget. ;) My first class tonight was a packed ninety minute 'hot yoga' class, basically a Bikram practice. I have done some yoga this year but I haven't taken a hot class--power or Bikram--since before winter break, and I feel like I'll be 'feelin it tomorrow!

It really does amaze me how quickly we build, and lose, yoga muscles. Tonight's class reminded me how simple moves can really be so strenuous on your body and how we can control the effectiveness of our practice. And I forgot how much hot yoga makes you sweat! Any muscles through exercising, really. When I was regularly practicing hot yoga multiple times per week for a few months leading up to the holidays, I could totally see and feel a difference in my body; my muscle definition and my strength.

It wasn't all gone, by any means, but the break from yoga definitely affected my yogi ability. It was a good class tonight though, and I really liked the teacher; she did a good job of keeping the class engaged and offering feedback but seemed to be more gentle and nicer (?) than teachers in other Bikram classes I've taken.

Although I don't need the rigorous workout right now, I am hoping that taking classes here over the next month will help me to rebuild and regain some muscle mass and become stronger. I want to try the power flow and vinyasa classes that are also offered.

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