I went to my first--and probably only--yoga class at the IMA today. I really don't know why I signed up for this one. I had taken a class by the same instructor last year and tonight's class just made me realize Hatha isn't my forte. Yes, it may be cheaper, and yes, it may be more convenient (?), but it isn't as enjoyable and it isn't how I want to be spending my time. I guess I could keep going to the class, but I don't want it to detract how I feel about the practice in general.
Friday night I did the hot power vinyasa class at my new studio, and loved it. It was hard--yes, very hard. I was shaking a few times, and a sweaty, frizzy mess when shivasana rolled around, but I loved the flows, the chatarungas, the teacher. This practice made me feel good. My body (and mind) thanked me for the hour of deep stretching, meditation and time out from my usually hectic day to relax and unwind.
Tonight's class just didn't do it for me. That's okay though, right? The way I see it is that I shouldn't spend time and effort on something (anything, really) that I care so much about if it's not mentally, physically or otherwise rewarding. I have a busy schedule with school, the sorority, homework, friends, family...I'm allowing myself to be selfish on this one. ;)
Q: Have you ever found yourself in a situation (or class/experience) that you hated? Do you or did you feel the need to see it out or do you allow yourself flexibility in trying new things that you maybe choose not to pursue?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Why don't you say so?
Love that song, "Heartbreak Warfare" by John Mayer.
Thursday night means one thing in the Greek system; party time. There seems to be so much going on tonight but I am for sure headed out with one destination in mind--we'll see where else I end up! I really want to go on the trip next month so I have to work on finding a date to that.
Musings: This morning my apt went well and I feel pretty positive about the day overall. I spent so long in the library, though. At least I almost finished my paper for Euro...just need to revise it tomorrow between classes. It's crazy how sometimes there doesn't seem to be that much going on in college and sometimes I feel so busy but I feel like I constantly have work or reading I could be doing. Sometimes I feel like I just don't manage my time very well. I suppose that's something we all struggle with though...
This weekend will be a good one, hopefully!
On the agenda:
a meeting for my study abroad group tomorrow afternoon
hot vinyasa power yoga tomorrow night
'family night' Friday night
Saturday and Sunday are open but will hopefully include
and of course the obligatory shenanigans.
snack...shower...going out!
Thursday night means one thing in the Greek system; party time. There seems to be so much going on tonight but I am for sure headed out with one destination in mind--we'll see where else I end up! I really want to go on the trip next month so I have to work on finding a date to that.
Musings: This morning my apt went well and I feel pretty positive about the day overall. I spent so long in the library, though. At least I almost finished my paper for Euro...just need to revise it tomorrow between classes. It's crazy how sometimes there doesn't seem to be that much going on in college and sometimes I feel so busy but I feel like I constantly have work or reading I could be doing. Sometimes I feel like I just don't manage my time very well. I suppose that's something we all struggle with though...
This weekend will be a good one, hopefully!
On the agenda:
a meeting for my study abroad group tomorrow afternoon
hot vinyasa power yoga tomorrow night
'family night' Friday night
Saturday and Sunday are open but will hopefully include
and of course the obligatory shenanigans.
snack...shower...going out!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I tracked down another one...
I found another great new member rate at a yoga studio nearby--10 classes, 30 days for just twenty dollars! Last quarter this 'trend' started with my first hot yoga studio which turned into finding student rates and intro packages for my college-friendly budget. ;) My first class tonight was a packed ninety minute 'hot yoga' class, basically a Bikram practice. I have done some yoga this year but I haven't taken a hot class--power or Bikram--since before winter break, and I feel like I'll be 'feelin it tomorrow!
It really does amaze me how quickly we build, and lose, yoga muscles. Tonight's class reminded me how simple moves can really be so strenuous on your body and how we can control the effectiveness of our practice. And I forgot how much hot yoga makes you sweat! Any muscles through exercising, really. When I was regularly practicing hot yoga multiple times per week for a few months leading up to the holidays, I could totally see and feel a difference in my body; my muscle definition and my strength.
It wasn't all gone, by any means, but the break from yoga definitely affected my yogi ability. It was a good class tonight though, and I really liked the teacher; she did a good job of keeping the class engaged and offering feedback but seemed to be more gentle and nicer (?) than teachers in other Bikram classes I've taken.
Although I don't need the rigorous workout right now, I am hoping that taking classes here over the next month will help me to rebuild and regain some muscle mass and become stronger. I want to try the power flow and vinyasa classes that are also offered.
It really does amaze me how quickly we build, and lose, yoga muscles. Tonight's class reminded me how simple moves can really be so strenuous on your body and how we can control the effectiveness of our practice. And I forgot how much hot yoga makes you sweat! Any muscles through exercising, really. When I was regularly practicing hot yoga multiple times per week for a few months leading up to the holidays, I could totally see and feel a difference in my body; my muscle definition and my strength.
It wasn't all gone, by any means, but the break from yoga definitely affected my yogi ability. It was a good class tonight though, and I really liked the teacher; she did a good job of keeping the class engaged and offering feedback but seemed to be more gentle and nicer (?) than teachers in other Bikram classes I've taken.
Although I don't need the rigorous workout right now, I am hoping that taking classes here over the next month will help me to rebuild and regain some muscle mass and become stronger. I want to try the power flow and vinyasa classes that are also offered.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Bonfires and Paying it Forward.
Today has been a long, busy day. It started way too early, with my roommates cellphone alarm going off around 6:30 and included a doctor's appointment, lousy French test and numerous hours spent glued to the computer in the library working on an English paper.
Days like today make me appreciate other days, like the ones I had this weekend. Though today was a little rough--in more ways than one--I had a really great weekend. Three days off is a good foundation of a positive weekend in my book! At first, I was disappointed that everyone seemed to be going up to Whistler for "college weekend" but me. I didn't have the plans, or passport to make it happen.
But I realized; hey, why dwell on something you can't change? Why not plan something fun and spontaneous? So that's what I did. I got together a group of girls and we went off on an adventure to the Island. It ended up being excellent warm weather for a late-night bonfire. We made dinner, watched trash tv, drank wine, made s'mores and roasted marshmellows...most importantly we just hung out and enjoyed each others' company. It felt so nice to host my friends at my actual house for once, and over the course of the evening--and a couple bottles of wine ;)--I feel like we all opened up in a new way to each other. It's funny how you can see people every day but never really get to know them. Taking time out of your normal life to actual spend time talking is so important. And definitely something I want to do more of.
Monday was Martin Luther King day, so like every other school in this country of ours, we were off for the holiday. Of course I should have used more of it than I did to work on my essay so I didn't have to spend so much time finishing it today, but that didn't exactly happen. I wasn't up at some mountain skiing, or soaking in some hottub in Whistler. Instead I decided to include mandatory trips to Target. Okay, mandatory? No. But fun, relaxing ways to unwind? Yes. :) On my way to buy things I don't really need Target, I stopped by Whole Foods.
And while I was out I did something to spread the 'cheer' of the holiday, if you can consider MLK day a cheerful one... There is a man and a woman that I have noticed time and again sitting outside of my local Whole Foods with signs asking for money. They aren't together--they sit at opposite entrances, actually. They are always friendly and always greet me. Yesterday I said hello back, and then a few steps later, turned around and walked back to the man. "Can I buy you something to eat?," I asked him. He said yes, he'd love something. When I asked him what he wanted he looked bewildered at the idea of the option.
Anyway I went inside and picked up what he had asked for (a vitamin water and something from the hot bar) and also bagged a sample piece of deli sandwich and a few samples of protein powder and bars of soap. On my way out I saw the homeless woman whom I gave the sandwich to and one of the soaps, and delivered the rest to him. I introduced myself to both of them and learned their names.
The experience yesterday made me realize that I go through too much of my day, all day, every day, in my own head, not paying attention to the world around me. I concern myself with my problems; staying in my head. I've noticed these people before but having that interaction with them, actually talking to them and learning their names... it was a really good exercise in human compassion and reaching out to help someone else. It wasn't much, but it made me feel good and it was a better use of my money than some extravagant coffee or unnecessary magazine I could have spent it on.
Reaching out to people is definitely a goal of mine this year. Having people over to my house Sunday night and introducing myself and buying lunch for a homeless man may not be monumental strides toward letting people in, but baby steps, right? I felt good about myself, felt like I was actually getting to know my friends--and strangers--and it felt good.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Aqua Adventures
The other week we went to the Seattle Aquarium. Something I haven't done in probably ten years, but it was really fun! It's crazy how much some things can make you feel so old, though. In a sea of little kids and families, we did feel a little out of place--we didn't care though, we were there for this: :D

and these guys...

This guy was a highlight-

So were these-

I found Nemo!


the 'touching tank':

These fish made made me think of snorkeling in Hawaii or Cabo!

The aquarium is set up like a maze. One of the rooms is a glassed-in dome that makes you feel like you are underwater. Fish and eels...and sharks, oh my!

Check out that sting ray!

I think we all spend so much time getting wrapped up into our everyday lives, what needs to be done, to-do lists, workouts, etc. It was nice to do something spontaneous and fun like this! It was such a gorgeous day in Seattle, too. Although there has been some crazy weather across the country recently, Seattle has seemed to relatively warm and sunny.

After the Aquarium we spent a few hours walking through Pike Place Market, shopping and spending our Christmas gift cards. When we had worked up an appetite for dinner, we met up at a local seafood restaraunt, Anthonys. It did seem a little sad to be feasting on Nemo and his friends after the aquarium, but when inRome Seattle, right? Plus, I had never been there and was dying to try it!
Anthony's is located right on the water, actually just a few doors down from the Aquarium and has an expansive menu. Here's the view from our table--gorgeous!

We shared some ahi tuna 'nacho' appetizers and oysters, and the delicious bread basket they brought. For my meal, I ordered the seafood chop salad with scallops and prawns. Everyone loved their meals--everything was delicious!
Aquarium + Seafood = a great afternoon! :D

and these guys...

This guy was a highlight-

So were these-

I found Nemo!


the 'touching tank':

These fish made made me think of snorkeling in Hawaii or Cabo!

The aquarium is set up like a maze. One of the rooms is a glassed-in dome that makes you feel like you are underwater. Fish and eels...and sharks, oh my!

Check out that sting ray!

I think we all spend so much time getting wrapped up into our everyday lives, what needs to be done, to-do lists, workouts, etc. It was nice to do something spontaneous and fun like this! It was such a gorgeous day in Seattle, too. Although there has been some crazy weather across the country recently, Seattle has seemed to relatively warm and sunny.

After the Aquarium we spent a few hours walking through Pike Place Market, shopping and spending our Christmas gift cards. When we had worked up an appetite for dinner, we met up at a local seafood restaraunt, Anthonys. It did seem a little sad to be feasting on Nemo and his friends after the aquarium, but when in
Anthony's is located right on the water, actually just a few doors down from the Aquarium and has an expansive menu. Here's the view from our table--gorgeous!

We shared some ahi tuna 'nacho' appetizers and oysters, and the delicious bread basket they brought. For my meal, I ordered the seafood chop salad with scallops and prawns. Everyone loved their meals--everything was delicious!
Aquarium + Seafood = a great afternoon! :D
restaruant review
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A New Decade, Goals, and Introductions!
I am excited to finally be starting this blog after many months of contemplation and procrastination! With 2010 just beginning, what better time than now to start a blog? It feels like just last year that we were ringing in the new Millennium and yet ten years have gone by and now we are looking ahead to a whole new decade! I'm excited for many upcoming things happening this year, many of which I hope to incorporate into the blog.
My name is Jaclyn and I am a sophomore at the University of Washington. I'm studying French, International Studies and English and I love it. I have passions in yoga, travel, art, food, healthy living, photography and exploring the world! I love being a student--I've studied in intensive art programs at Parsons, the New School for Design for the two previous summers before entering my freshman year. One thing I would love to do, though, is be a teacher--a yoga teacher. Getting certified is something I have been wanting to do for a few years, ever since I fell in love with the practice, and I know that it is something I want to pursue. I also love writing and hope to use the blog as an outlet and a place to help myself improve.
2009 certainly had its fair share of ups and downs but looking ahead, I'm excited for a year full of travel, adventure, friends, family, studying, yoga, fitness, health and happiness, food, music, art and so much more! My "resolutions" this year are more like a compilation or 2010 'bucket' list, things I want to accomplish in the upcoming year.
Start and maintain this blog
Travel (a lot)--study abroad in Europe and visit friends and relatives around the country
Meet new people
Continue my yoga practice and pursue teacher certification
do yoga in at least 8 different cities
write--find freelance writing assignments
start compiling recipes and continue cooking endeavors
raise money for a cause
train for and run my first 5k
attend or host a blogger meet-up
do more art!
Whew! That's not even everything I want to accomplish this year! I'll continue to be enrolled full time in school and I am also continuing to look for jobs and internships. A huge goal of mine that isn't listed is to land a summer job or internship in a cool location, doing something amazing this summer.
Looking at this list gets me really excited. I wrote this list out New Years Eve day, on a ferry crossing when I was by myself, not doing much. Thinking about all that I wanted to accomplish in the next year was exhilarating. It's scary because I feel like there is a lot to it; writing, working, studying, moving, training for my first race, raising money and volunteering--but all things that I find fulfilling and exciting undertakings!
I think sometimes people use New Year's resolutions as an excuse or easy way of putting off life changes that need to be made, but sometimes they can also serve a valuable purpose of re-assessing what you're doing and where you're going and help you to think of the next year as a whole--where do I want to be one year from now, where was I one year ago?--rather than falling into that trap of day by day, week by week and month by month monotony.
As far as my plans for school, I just finished my second day of Winter quarter. Yesterday I dropped off my contract for this spring's study abroad program in London I was accepted in to, in the English department. I can't wait to go, and although it may be scary and I am a little nervous, I know it will be an adventure!
Here's to a brand new year--a brand new decade--full of health, happiness and fun! Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog and I hope you enjoy following along!
My name is Jaclyn and I am a sophomore at the University of Washington. I'm studying French, International Studies and English and I love it. I have passions in yoga, travel, art, food, healthy living, photography and exploring the world! I love being a student--I've studied in intensive art programs at Parsons, the New School for Design for the two previous summers before entering my freshman year. One thing I would love to do, though, is be a teacher--a yoga teacher. Getting certified is something I have been wanting to do for a few years, ever since I fell in love with the practice, and I know that it is something I want to pursue. I also love writing and hope to use the blog as an outlet and a place to help myself improve.
2009 certainly had its fair share of ups and downs but looking ahead, I'm excited for a year full of travel, adventure, friends, family, studying, yoga, fitness, health and happiness, food, music, art and so much more! My "resolutions" this year are more like a compilation or 2010 'bucket' list, things I want to accomplish in the upcoming year.
Start and maintain this blog
Travel (a lot)--study abroad in Europe and visit friends and relatives around the country
Meet new people
Continue my yoga practice and pursue teacher certification
do yoga in at least 8 different cities
write--find freelance writing assignments
start compiling recipes and continue cooking endeavors
raise money for a cause
train for and run my first 5k
attend or host a blogger meet-up
do more art!
Whew! That's not even everything I want to accomplish this year! I'll continue to be enrolled full time in school and I am also continuing to look for jobs and internships. A huge goal of mine that isn't listed is to land a summer job or internship in a cool location, doing something amazing this summer.
Looking at this list gets me really excited. I wrote this list out New Years Eve day, on a ferry crossing when I was by myself, not doing much. Thinking about all that I wanted to accomplish in the next year was exhilarating. It's scary because I feel like there is a lot to it; writing, working, studying, moving, training for my first race, raising money and volunteering--but all things that I find fulfilling and exciting undertakings!
I think sometimes people use New Year's resolutions as an excuse or easy way of putting off life changes that need to be made, but sometimes they can also serve a valuable purpose of re-assessing what you're doing and where you're going and help you to think of the next year as a whole--where do I want to be one year from now, where was I one year ago?--rather than falling into that trap of day by day, week by week and month by month monotony.
As far as my plans for school, I just finished my second day of Winter quarter. Yesterday I dropped off my contract for this spring's study abroad program in London I was accepted in to, in the English department. I can't wait to go, and although it may be scary and I am a little nervous, I know it will be an adventure!
Here's to a brand new year--a brand new decade--full of health, happiness and fun! Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog and I hope you enjoy following along!
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